Vinyl Cover

Single Cover for No Named - 'Touch You Baby'

No Named
Intro image.

🎶✨ Colaboración Creativa  Diseño de Portada Spotify Single

Touch you baby - No Named

Esta visual potente simboliza la tensión y la conexión intensa que se refleja en las líneas
líricas del single. La electricidad que surge entre ambas manos evoca un sentimiento de
emoción y anticipación, capturando perfectamente la esencia del single y del rock

Desde el primer boceto hasta el diseño final, trabajamos con No Named para capturar la esencia y el espíritu de su música en una imagen que no solo represente la canción, sino que también conecte visualmente con su audiencia. La inspiración detrás de "Touch You Baby" se refleja en cada detalle de la portada, creando una sinergia perfecta entre lo visual y lo auditivo.

🔊 Sobre el Single "Touch You Baby":"Touch You Baby" es una melodía envolvente que combina ritmos modernos con letras emotivas, transportando a los oyentes a un viaje sonoro único clásico. La pasión y la energía de No Named se sienten en cada nota, y nuestra misión era asegurarnos de que la portada transmitiera esa misma intensidad y emoción.


Time, time to start another day
I will just go without delay
I will arrive like every day

Suddenly you appeared in my way
There was nothing to say
Maybe it's a magical day

And so things began to change for me
And every time you pass, I just want to see

I want to look at you, baby
All the time, every day

And I try to avoid it, darling
But you appear in my way

I don't know how this just can be real

You, you nailed me with a look
You just read me like a book
Catching me with a hook

And now every time I think of you
Just smile, is all I can do
Wishing maybe it could be true

I just wish I could control what I feel
Although I refuse, I admit that it is simply real

I wish I could touch you baby
Someday on my way

I just wanna feel it darling
As part of a day

How I wish that just this could be so real

Now I feel that I am crossing a magical time and also a border line
I can't stop what I'm feeling, it's getting deeper, but it's a great time

I feel weak in the place where I thought I was a strong man
The days go by, I think she knows everything and I don't have any plan

I think I need to touch you baby
But not in a dream

I need to feel you close darling
But not like steam

Baby I'd just settle for just holding your hand

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Conclusion & Results

We helped No Named design the cover for their Spotify single

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